Heads of the Valleys Astronomical Society
The Heads of the Valleys Astronomical Society (HOVAS), is a friendly society with a welcoming atmosphere operating in the Blaenau Gwent Area for anyone who is interested in studying the Moon, Plantes, Stars or any aspect of space or astronomy.
We meet twice Monthly and have a good selection of visiting and resident speakers, with additional observational workshops as required.
The society is well equiped with an excellent Library of books, videos and various telescopes and imaging equipment for the use of by members.
We hope this website will encourage prospective new members, who are always welcome to come along and try us out.
If you aren't in our area, maybe one of our sister societies would be more suitable. Their site are below.
Upcoming Meetings
05 March The James Webb Telescope Dr Jenifer Millard Cardiff University 19 March The Kuiper Belt and Pluto Andrew Lohfink Usk Astronomical Society
09 April Telescopes Tony Pearce Heads Of The Valleys Astronomical Society 23 April Meteorites Nick Busby Usk Astronomical Society
Upcoming Events
Globe at Night, measuring light pollution
Light pollution is the scourge of amateur astronomers and lovers of a beautiful starry sky alike.
Now you can take part in a global survey where no experience or special equipment is required.
Simply click on the link below to find out more details about the survey and how you can get involved and the link below that to get to the online app to help you easily classify your local sky.
Globe at night instructions
Globe at Night Webapp
The app is able to determine your location, you simply click on the picture that most closely resembles your sky condition and that is it – you have made an observation (weather permitting of course!).
Our Sister Societies
Usk Astronomical Society

The Usk Astronomical Society was formed in 1974 and has met every week during term time since then. It has many telescopes and other astronomical equipment for use by members. We also use the equipment, including our planetarium, in talks which members give to schools and other organisations.
Abergaveny Astronomy Society

The society holds monthly meetings with guest speakers. Talks have included Impacts from Comets and Asteroids, Stellar Types, Lunar Observing, Radio Astronomy, Multiverse or Universe?, The Celtic Sky, History of Astronomy, Saturn and Her Moons, String Theory, The Herschel and Planck missions, Mars, Joseph Harris (18th c astronomer), X Ray Binaries and Early Modern Comets.